Our existing client Fullers Builders Ltd were moving to new larger premises combining it with a complete migration to the cloud. Not fully understanding the implications, they heavily relied on ClearTec IT for sole charge of this project which included a new 3cx telephone system.

Client Problem
Not only did Fullers move to new premises, they were fully converting to the cloud, moving from
their current traditional network.

Having worked with Fullers for many years, we have been working towards a cloud migration. It was a perfect opportunity to implement Cloud Technologies to coincide with their move.

The Solution
During the time that Fullers were preparing their new premises, ClearTec IT worked alongside them, installing essential internet cables, a server cabinet, a telephone system with handsets and pc’s. The Technical team were on-site the first morning the staff began at the premises supporting and ensuring continuity, preventing any downtime for our client.

The Outcome/Results
Fullers Builders now have a full cloud-based system. This allows all users to access their desktops form any location. Saving money, by not installing a traditional based system has been a benefit to Fullers.

The job was quite simple and very few issues presented themselves.

Client Testimonial
“Further to the relocation of our head office, we would like to express our thanks to the team at ClearTec for the works that you completed.

The whole experience was handled confidently and professionally, your site technicians were punctual, helpful and thorough. With the added benefit of having used the new installation continuously over the last 6 months, we are pleased to report that our new IT system is both reliable and efficient, and we would keenly recommend your services to others.

With many thanks to you and your team.”